Friday, June 18, 2010

Our house (nuh nuh nuh), in the middle of the....woods!

Our home for the summer is a comfortable and cozy 2-bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, small family room, with a newly remodeled kitchen, cabin. It is perfect. It is nestled up against the mountain, and right on the water. It has a very nice deck going along the front, with a spectacular view of the inlet bay. Unfortunately, the blasted mosquitoes have made it a little difficult to spend too much time outside. However, I put up a net tent, that has made it much more enjoyable. There are nests of bald eagles all around us, and we see them flying around outside our windows pretty regularly.

A picture of the cabin taken from the shore

The view from the deck

This picture is taken across the bay, driving out to our place from town

A little closer view

This gives a better perspective of our little cabin nestled at the base of these huge mountains


Shawna B. said...

Oh, Reeses! It's beautiful! Can we come visit? What a great way to spend a summer. Hope it's an amazing adventure for all of you.

Your sweet little Kylie is just darling, and I really admire Kristen for packing up with a 3 week old and moving away for 2 months! Love that Kristen!

Miss and love all of you!

PAPAYA said...

Oh my goodness! I love that you guys are so adventurous! Your cozy little cabin nestled at the base of that gorgeous mountain looks dreamy. What a view and what a summer to remember.