Friday, June 25, 2010

Da Bears!

So the other day we got a call from our neighbors telling us there was a bear in the cove that is right next to our cabin. We hadn't seen a bear yet (well, the kids hadn't--Kristen and I caught a glimpse of one, for about 10 seconds, out our window early one morning) so we hurried out to see it. I couldn't see it at first, so I made the kids stay on the porch until I was able locate it. It was a mama brown bear, eating the grass in the cove, about 200 feet away.

About 2 hours later, we were in the kitchen making dinner, and I happen to glance out the door, and there standing right in front of our car, was another bear. This one was much closer (about 30 ft. outside the door), and much bigger! This one was a black bear. It caught me so off gaurd, I think I yelled something like, "Holy cow, there is a bear right there!" I think I scared my poor wife to death. We watched her through the windows, until she got far enough that we could go onto the porch and watch her. It was pretty awesome. We've seen bears a couple different times since then. It's crazy! We make lots of noise now whenever we go outside!