Thursday, June 10, 2010

Maternity Pics

OK, so it's been a while since I've updated this blog of ours. Life gets so crazy I just can't seem to find the time. However, I've decided it's time to get going again. Although I have a gazillion things I could try and update, I'm not going to. Just a couple major ones.
So to begin with, probably the biggest thing to happen this past year was Kristen getting pregnant. It took a while, but finally happened. Since we're pretty sure this is going to be the last one, Kristen wanted to get maternity pictures. She actually wanted to get them before, it just never happened. So the week before she delivered, she got some pictures taken. Since I happened to be there while they were taking the pics (and looking as sharp as ever, of course. Ha ha.) I got in a few of them myself. It was a lot of fun. We haven't done that since we got married. So here she is--my beautiful bride!! :)

(of course, no woman would dare go deliver a baby without having her toes done, right?!)

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Amber M. said...

Kristen is beautiful...pregnant or not! Best of luck with the delivery!!

Stuart Family said...

Love them all. You 2 look HOT together!! Congratulations on the new little arrival. We cant wait to meet her.

Laurie said...

Absolutely love the photos! Hope you guys are having a great time way up there in Alaska!