Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Reindeer at Easter?

We hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday!
This year the Easter Bunny decided to hide eggs not only inside, but out in the backyard as well.
Well, Easter morning, as we went outside to continue the hunt after having found all the eggs inside, I noticed that one of the eggs on the grass was open. I thought that maybe the cold had caused it to open, but as I looked around more, I noticed that there were many eggs opened, and that the candy was missing inside. Upon closer observation I also noticed deer droppings all around the yard--and teeth marks on the plastic eggs. Can you believe it, deer walked through our yard during the night, bit the plastic eggs hard enough to open them up, and then ate the candy. I couldn’t believe it! Kristen and I about died of laughter! I don't think the kids found it quite as amusing. I hope those deer get diarrhea or something--it would serve them right! Too bad we didn't leave the hard-boiled eggs out for the Easter bunny to hide, then the deer could have had some breakfast with their dessert!


Anonymous said...

Cool, guys! Staying connected will be great now that you've started the blog.

We also have one that we've recently started:

You're officially invited.

Dad and Coralyn Reese said...

Good idea Carlan and Kristen.

Just think how many people would just love to have deer wandering in their yards...lucky you!

Might want to put out some "deer feed", but then having desert first is more fun anyway!

Shawna B. said...

Hi Guys! Thanks for letting us know about your new site. We have one as well (i am not the best at keeping it updated!): We love and miss you guys and hope that things continue to go well for all of you.

Stuart Family said...

Love it!!!Keep the pictures coming. BrookeLyn gets on everyday to check out your blog.Miss you guys.

MooreInterest said...

OK guys--way cute blog!!! Ours is still a work in progress! I love the deer story! How funny!!! We picked up our new glasses today---So cute! Check us out at! Kristen, keep in touch!love you guys!

Amber M. said...

Hello Reeses! Stumbled onto the Moore's blog and then onto yours! Such a darling family... Here is our blog info:

Miss you guys!