Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Eight years old is a pretty great age. Why? Because it's the age you get baptized. In July, Mr. Kaden turned 8, and on August 8th he was baptized. Kaden was already such a sweet boy--and now he's even sweeter!

The newest member of our family

No, we didn't have a baby (although Kristen would really like one). And no, we didn't get a new pet either (although everyone but dad would really like one). We actually became the proud parents of a beautiful teenage girl.

Karin van der Velde, 17 years old, from the Netherlands, is our new foreign exchange student. She will be staying with us for 10 months, while she completes her senior year at Lone Peak High School. The kids are very excited to have a new"big sister", and all of us are excited to have her as a member of our family.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A small lesson in female anatomy

Tonight while putting the boys to bed they were telling us about their new teachers at school. Kaden mentioned one of his teachers that he really likes, Mrs. Overy (with the accent over the "e"). The conversation then went something like this:

"Mrs. Ovary", I said.

"No," Kaden said, "Mrs. O-vEry!".

"Good thing it wasn't ovary" (trying to be funny, while Kristen grinned at me).

"What's so funny about that?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Come on, tell us please."

"Really, it's nothing."


"OK. It has to do with female parts."

(chuckle chuckle) "Oh no!" (giggle giggle)

"See. Now you don't want to know, do you?"

"Well, OK. Tell us anyway."

"Ok. The ovary is part of a woman's body, on the inside, that has little eggs that can become babies."

"What! Mom has eggs in her?"

"Yes, all women do."

"Oh no, mom's not a mammal!"

The sweetness of innocent boys.